12:54 PM

Charming is a word I cannot use enough to describe the city of Old San Juan. For my college spring break, my cousins and I took a trip to Puerto Rico. We never expected to find such a beautiful and historically rich country. The weather, the beaches, the sites and everything in between was so worthwhile. The people of this island were the most enthralling part of our trip. Everyone we encountered was so kind and genuine. The locals made our experience something of great remembrance. Here are some photos I took, although the true beauty of this place could not be captured on camera, it's pretty close! Enjoy.

Im a door fanatic, if there is such a thing. Doors with character or color always catch my interest. Doors are more than just a means of entrance. They can say so much about the people occupying the space or the purpose for it. This door, though I'm not sure what the interior purpose was for, was quite charming in it's antique age. This was at the San Cristobal Fort.
Yellow arches and floor plants in the Art Museum of San Juan courtyard.
Balconies everywhere!
Who thought a hot pink paint job would be so cool. It suites its surrounding environment perfectly.
The street signs were plaques on buildings and so were a lot of the business names as well. It's so endearing and a way to bring character to a building. It keep things such as poles and street signs away from interfering with the overall aesthetic of the area. 

The Gallery Inn caught our attention right away. The building itself is beautiful but one would not expect it to be a functioning hotel because the front face looked so similar to the rest of its surroundings. Our uber driver informed us that its known for all the artwork that is hung throughout the mansion. 
How romantic is this door way!
Bronzed skin and warm weather calls for bright colors! I'm wearing matching shades of Essie Geranium nail polish and a Sephora collection creme lip stain. The purple bag I'm wearing is a thrift ostrich leather Kate Spade find. 

Polaroid cameras are so much fun and can make for a cool photo of a photo, if that makes any sense. The experience of taking the actual photo and watching it print out and develop keeps everyone excited!
We loved these cobble stoned streets! 
We would not have found these steps if it weren't for a photo of it at a local cafe called La Mallarca. We loved the photo so much we had to find it and have a little photo op too.

I love love love plants, so I naturally gravitated to this gated window. This is such a lovely idea and can be an easy DIY project as well. 
This building left me in awe, I wish I had taken a better photo of it! The combination of the 2 colors and the delicate white wrought railing is captivating. 
Even the unfinished and abandoned buildings were beautiful. A bright exterior paint job can give so much character to a structure.
Lastly, here's a look at my ensemble for the day. I wore a Banana Republic striped maxi skirt with a slit and waist tie. My top is from Asos. Heres a skirt with the same construction as my striped one!   

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